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Enroll TodayCheck out the full report, which includes contributions from 59 companies operating in Georgia across various industries.
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Start LearningWorld's #1 Source for Cases, Research, and Trends
Enroll TodayCheck out the full report, which includes contributions from 59 companies operating in Georgia across various industries.
Get Your CopyLevel up your skills or start fresh in top fields: marketing, design, tech, and management
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Contact us“The lecture hours were sufficient for us to cover specific topics within the time allotted by the syllabus. The intensive course enabled me to develop the skills that I believe I will successfully apply in my future endeavors.”
“The lecture hours were sufficient for us to cover specific topics within the time allotted by the syllabus. The intensive course enabled me to develop the skills that I believe I will successfully apply in my future endeavors.”
“Each lecture was completely enlightening and interactive. Throughout the course, I felt that with the knowledge I gained, I would definitely be able to secure a successful position in a new field.”
“Each lecture was completely enlightening and interactive. Throughout the course, I felt that with the knowledge I gained, I would definitely be able to secure a successful position in a new field.”
“What I found most valuable were the experiences shared by the lecturer and the discussion of specific case studies. The main achievement of this course was that it deepened my love for graphic design and boosted my confidence in this field.”
“What I found most valuable were the experiences shared by the lecturer and the discussion of specific case studies. The main achievement of this course was that it deepened my love for graphic design and boosted my confidence in this field.”
"The IT Project Management course introduced me to modern project management tools and Agile methodology, while showing me how complex and interesting IT project management is. Through hands-on use of Jira, Confluence, Clickup, and Miro, I developed skills to handle real challenges. Working on individual projects taught me the importance of strategic approaches. This experience became a foundation for my career growth and setting new goals." more
"The IT Project Management course introduced me to modern project management tools and Agile methodology, while showing me how complex and interesting IT project management is. Through hands-on use of Jira, Confluence, Clickup, and Miro, I developed skills to handle real challenges. Working on individual projects taught me the importance of strategic approaches. This experience became a foundation for my career growth and setting new goals."
“The course is very intensive and allows students to view problems systematically. It includes not only covering the syllabus but also the myriad events happening in the tech field overall.”
“The course is very intensive and allows students to view problems systematically. It includes not only covering the syllabus but also the myriad events happening in the tech field overall.”
“The most valuable aspect was the practical projects and working with real data. I am already using part of the newly acquired skills and paradigms in my job.”
“The most valuable aspect was the practical projects and working with real data. I am already using part of the newly acquired skills and paradigms in my job.”
“The lecture hours were sufficient for us to cover specific topics within the time allotted by the syllabus. The intensive course enabled me to develop the skills that I believe I will successfully apply in my future endeavors.”
“The lecture hours were sufficient for us to cover specific topics within the time allotted by the syllabus. The intensive course enabled me to develop the skills that I believe I will successfully apply in my future endeavors.”
“Each lecture was completely enlightening and interactive. Throughout the course, I felt that with the knowledge I gained, I would definitely be able to secure a successful position in a new field.”
“Each lecture was completely enlightening and interactive. Throughout the course, I felt that with the knowledge I gained, I would definitely be able to secure a successful position in a new field.”
“What I found most valuable were the experiences shared by the lecturer and the discussion of specific case studies. The main achievement of this course was that it deepened my love for graphic design and boosted my confidence in this field.”
“What I found most valuable were the experiences shared by the lecturer and the discussion of specific case studies. The main achievement of this course was that it deepened my love for graphic design and boosted my confidence in this field.”
"The IT Project Management course introduced me to modern project management tools and Agile methodology, while showing me how complex and interesting IT project management is. Through hands-on use of Jira, Confluence, Clickup, and Miro, I developed skills to handle real challenges. Working on individual projects taught me the importance of strategic approaches. This experience became a foundation for my career growth and setting new goals." more
"The IT Project Management course introduced me to modern project management tools and Agile methodology, while showing me how complex and interesting IT project management is. Through hands-on use of Jira, Confluence, Clickup, and Miro, I developed skills to handle real challenges. Working on individual projects taught me the importance of strategic approaches. This experience became a foundation for my career growth and setting new goals."
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14. მოქმედი კანონმდებლობა
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