Based on the final project results, the top graduate will be guaranteed an internship at one of our partner creative agencies.
Content – /kənˈtɛnt/ – isn't a Georgian word, but it doesn't sound bad. Content is a big part of our daily lives; it can be understood, viewed, and perceived in various ways, which is why content is everything and content is everywhere. With properly planned content, many great goals can be achieved; the key is to hit the target.
Content is what pleases the eye and doesn't lack for the ear. This course will be one big content experience, filled with practical work where we'll see, create, change, and then create again with our own hands, across different digital channels, using various means, resources, and ideas.
Skills Acquired: Content campaign planning, photo and video shooting
Plan and execute a content campaign independently
Break down a content campaign across different media channels
Independently create blog, photo, and video material for a brand
Determine what type of content is needed and when
Plan a photoshoot independently
Conceptualize what a brand needs
Define how to interact with your audience
Work efficiently and quickly
Wed 20:00-23:00, Sat 12:00-15:00
Mon - Thu, 20:00-23:00
Who is this course for?
Business Owners
For small and medium business representatives who work on optimizing their own websites themselves.
Digital Marketers
For beginner and experienced digital marketers who want to deepen their knowledge in this direction.
Program includes
Alumni Club
After successfully completing the final exam, graduates will be automatically enrolled in the Alumni Club. This membership grants them access to exclusive events, content, and special offers from our partner companies. Special offers also apply to the Content Marketing course, which include guaranteed internships and interviews.
Work Based Learning
The course includes practice-based learning, including assignments/exercises and individual projects.
Bilingual Certification
Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a bilingual certificate.
Graduate feedback
Pick your suitable time
Irina Beriashvili
Content Management
Irina Beriashvili
Content Management
Irina has been working in content marketing for 9 years. She gained her initial experience at agency Redberry, where she held the position of Content Creator and Content Lead for 3 years. She then became the Digital Creative Director at Leavingstone. Irina has extensive collaboration experience with leading brands across various business sectors: banking, food, technology, fashion, and others. Since 2022, she has continued her work in the field as a co-founder of Eserti content studio.
BehanceLiana Metreveli
Content Management
Liana Metreveli
Content Management
Liana is a co-founder of Eserti Content Studio. She has been working in the content field for 8 years, during which time she has held various positions, including head of the social media team at Bank of Georgia, and before that, content director at the digital transformation agency Redberry. In terms of content campaign planning and creation, Liana has worked with many different brands, including Galleria Tbilisi, Veli Store, TBC Bank, Kampa, GWP, Avon, Lavazza, Alcorium, Eqimo, Likani, Scarpiera, Miniso, Ice, Kayak, and many others.
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Show More"We'll create content from everything and/or nothing" - Liana Metreveli
The stories of people who followed their inner voice and weren't afraid of radical life changes are inspiring and encouraging for me and, I'm sure, for you too. This blog is about just such a story of Commschool's content management lecturer. Liana Metreveli is currently the co-founder of Eserti Content Studio, and before that, she led the social media team at the Bank of Georgia. Her work experience also includes working as a content director at "Redberry". She always had an interest in journalism and photography; although unexpectedly for herself, she entered university to study law, she never gave up creating blogs and articles. Liana says that her aspiration for writing was noticed and tested with the help of those around her, and when it was discovered that she was successfully handling content creation and copywriting, she became part of "Redberry"."Brilliant ideas probably come to everyone once in a thousand times, but the challenge of a content director is to maintain a continuous flow of ideas." Content Marketing 14 Lecture 42 Hour 7 Week Learn More "We can't rely solely on an invisible idea. That's why it's very important to develop a pattern of thinking, to deeply study the brand you're working for. You really can't control when an idea will come, but you can control the path by which you reach that idea." The content management course that Liana will lead covers exactly the formation of thought patterns and paving the way to find ideas. "This course will also be one big content. Full of practical work, where we'll see, create, change, then create again with our own hands, in different digital channels, with different means, resources, and ideas." Searching for inspiration is a constant process for Liana. These are not just empty words; she searches for diverse information, reads articles on topics of interest to her, gets acquainted with the news and activities of social networks, brands, or other content directors. She often arranges moodboards and collects visual material. Under these conditions of continuous information flow, in most cases, the desired inspiration comes to her. And if the longed-for idea doesn't come, then, according to Liana's advice, it's better to shift your attention to something else, rest your mind, and then the desired solution usually comes at an unexpected moment. Liana has been involved in working on campaigns and original content for brands such as GWP, Secret Santa, ICY, Galleria Tbilisi, Miniso, Beeline, Kayak, AVON, and others. You can see her works in the form of a portfolio. Alumni About Course Tekla Razmadze, Marketing Manager at Travel Box: "For me, Commschool was a discovery of many new things and my own strengths, an increase in self-confidence, meeting pleasant people, sharing positive emotions, and a push towards new adventures. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to strive for novelty and enjoy the pleasure received during this pursuit." Nino Kanchaveli, Freelance Content Creator: "What happens in the lectures is real magic. From the very first lecture, I became convinced that I chose my new career correctly. As a completely inexperienced person, I discovered that I can do this work endlessly. Thanks to Commschool, I found my place and I'm not planning to go anywhere else." Gvantsa Razmadze, Internal Communications Officer at Adjarabet: "Commschool has become my favorite place! For anyone who has ever thought about creating something magnificent from nothing, this is the place for it. You'll find an environment where you won't be counting the minutes until the lectures end; on the contrary, after a 3-hour lecture, you might even be disappointed that it didn't last longer. You'll meet an excellent lecturer who will tirelessly answer your questions. I think I haven't experienced anything this pleasant for a long time." And finally, Content Creator is not a Georgian word; instead, it can be beautifully expressed in our own language: "შექმნელი" (creator).Therefore, this course is for everyone who is or aspires to be a creator. Whether you have your own brand, work with various businesses, or are interested in social media and see yourself in this field. Join Us
From the Content Management Course to Redberry – Anano Chelidze’s Career Development Journey
"Commschool actively helps its graduates find job opportunities that match their interests," says Anano Chelidze, a graduate of Commschool's Content Management course. Through the graduate club, she joined the Redberry team. In this blog, we’ll share the story of Anano’s career progress.The Graduate Club offers its members exclusive job offers, internship opportunities, and consultations from Commschool’s partner companies. These partners include Holmes & Watson, Adjarabet, Adjara Sport, Redberry, JWT Metro, and more.Thanks to the knowledge she gained at Commschool, Anano found it easier to transition into her new role at Redberry:"I've been working at the agency for a month now, and the information I learned in the Content Management course has been really helpful in performing my daily tasks."Anano discovered Commschool through recommendations from friends and completed the Content Management course online, which was led by Redberry's Content Director, Liana Metreveli."During the course, the group assignments and real project analyses provided by the lecturer gave us valuable insights into the practical work of a content creator. The interactive lectures were lively and engaging. Even though the course was online, I didn’t feel like I missed anything."Anano is happy with her experience at Commschool and recommends it to others:"I think that for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge in their field or explore a new profession, Tbilisi School of Communications is the perfect place to take that step."If you’re interested in Commschool’s Content Management course, know that with just 16 lessons over two months, you'll gain the knowledge and access to real job opportunities through the school.Join us today! Learn more
"It doesn't matter how big your budget is, because the goal of spending effectively remains unchanged"
When marketing is mentioned, most of us imagine people caught up in the whirlwind of planning creative campaigns and advertisements; here also arises the question - then what is marketing? Apparently, marketing doesn't just mean creating "catchy" ads and staying up all night on the shooting set. Sulkhan Latsabidze, a lecturer in the Marketing Management course, will share his different experience throughout the program. სულხანმა მრავალწლიანი გამოცდილება სხვადასხვა კომპანიაში მიიღო: ალდაგი, ბანკი “რესპუბლიკა”, ბილაინი, საქართველოს ლატარიის კომპანია, კავკასუს ონლაინი, ვისოლი, ჯეოსელი – ეს იმ კომპანიათა არასრული ჩამონათვალია, რომელთათვისაც სულხანს მარკეტინგის ან/და გაყიდვების განხრით უმუშავია. Sulkhan gained many years of experience in various companies: Aldagi, Bank Republic, Beeline, Georgian Lottery Company, Caucasus Online, Wissol, Geocell - this is an incomplete list of companies for which Sulkhan has worked in marketing and/or sales. For him, marketing means regular debate with the consumer, "getting on their nerves," i.e., constantly being in their field of vision. In his opinion, regardless of the budget size, the main thing is to somehow regularly attract the consumer's attention, and for this, heavy or long-term communications are not necessary at all. "The main component of a marketing campaign is not a creatively planned campaign and/or beautiful advertisement, but it's important to correctly determine your resource and decide what you can do based on it." This is precisely why Sulkhan considers finances, Excel, and numbers as direct marketing tools. According to him, it doesn't matter what product you have to work on; the main thing is to adapt as quickly as possible and adapt your previous experience to the new product. It also doesn't matter how big your budget is, because the goal of spending effectively remains unchanged. However, before it comes to planning and conducting campaigns, as he says, it's most important to create a marketing department and set up its structure: "First you need to set up the conveyor; only then can you start doing something." As we understand, a large part of the Marketing Management course is based on practical training, Sulkhan will share his diverse challenges and cases. Until then, we'll share the assessments of graduates: "ძალიან საინტერესო და სასიამოვნო პროცესია ლექტორთან გამოცდილების და აზრების გაცვლა. ვფიქრობ ის, რომ კურსი აწყობილია პრაქტიკულ გამოცდილებაზე ძალიან ბევრს ნიშნავს, ასევე თეორიული კუთხით იღებ ზუსტად იმ კონკრეტულ და მნიშვნელოვან ინფორმაციას, რასაც ყოველდღიურად გამოიყენებ და დაგჭირდება მუშაობის პროცესში." თამთა ხარაიშვილიBrand Manager at Askaneli "ძალიან რთულია დაინახო მარკეტინგის რეალური სახე მაშინ, როდესაც გარშემო არის ლამაზი რეკლამები და ყველა იმაზე საუბრობს, თუ რამდენად საჭიროა ეს ყველაფერი, სულხანის ლექცია კი გხსნის ამ ვარდისფერ სათვალეს, გაჩვენებს რეალურ სახეს, გიჩვენებს დადებით და უარყოფით მხარეებს, რაც შემდგომი განვითარებისთვის უმნიშვნელოვანესია." გოგა ჯამაგიძეBrand Manager at Adjarabet "მე პირადად ძალიან დამეხმარა რაღაც საკითხებზე პრაქტიკული მაგალითების გარჩევა ლექტორის მხრიდან და რაღაცები უფრო სიღრმისეულად გავიგე, ვიდრე აქამდე მესმოდა - ვინც ამ მიმართულებით მუშაობს ან აპირებს მუშაობას, ძალიან გამოადგება ეს კურსი." ანი მაჭავარიანიHead Of Marketing & PR Department at Enterprise Georgia "კურსმა ნამდვილად გადააჭარბა ჩემს მოლოდინებს იმ კუთხით, რომ პირველივე ლექციებიდან მივხვდი როგორ გავიზარდე და ძალიან ბევრი განხილული საკითხი რეალურად გამოვიყენე პრაქტიკულ საქმიანობაში, განსაკუთრებით ტექნიკური “down to earth” საკითხები, ბიუჯეტური და მენეჯერული მიდგომები." თათია ჯიქიაMarketing Manager at MarTV Previous Next Within the course, you will be taught how to write and spend a budget, when it's optimal to rely directly on Excel and when you can "have fun" with creativity, how to interact with a creative agency, how it's better to launch different products, how to evaluate the effectiveness of a conducted campaign, etc.You will be interested in the course if you are marketing managers working in any field, account or brand managers, as well as marketing directors and, in general, anyone who wants to learn more about the practical side of marketing. Therefore, if studying Marketing Management seems interesting to you and you want to gain new knowledge and experience in this direction, join us, we're starting the program on May 30th! Learn More