ძველ ვერსიაზე გადასასვლელად დააჭირე აქ

IT Business Analysis

  • 5.0 შეფასება

  • 14 ლექცია

  • 42 საათი

  • 7 კვირა

The role of an IT Business Analyst in creating digital products is one of the most important. The Business Analyst defines and describes business requirements - how the system and/or product should function. They analyze the current state of the product, determine its future development, translate each business requirement for the technical team, and control them until full implementation.

Throughout the course, you will get acquainted with the role and responsibilities of a Business Analyst (BA) - effective communication between all business areas and critical players in the project. Through practical exercises, you will learn to define the scope of work and master different techniques and approaches to requirements gathering that will work for different projects and audiences. You will identify the unique needs of clients, stakeholders, and the IT department at each stage of creating, documenting, communicating, and managing requirements.

კურსის დასრულების შემდეგ შეგეძლება

დამატებითი უნარები: Miro, Jira, Agile, Scrum

  • Plan the business analysis process

  • Define and process business requirements and needs

  • Manage the development team and stakeholders and communicate effectively with them

  • Formulate business tasks / create user stories and develop all necessary techniques

  • Prepare technical documents for execution, monitoring, and launch

  • Define functional and non-functional requirements

  • Analyze the current and future state of the product and assess risks


გადაანაწილე გადასახადი
TBC განვადება
BOG განვადება

ვისთვის არის კურსი


For those who have direct contact with IT project management, are involved in business processes, or are now starting to transition into this field.

Parties Involved in Business Processes

The course is designed for all individuals who have contact with and/or are interested in creating digital products and establishing effective communication with stakeholders.

პროგრამა მოიცავს

Alumni Club

Upon successful completion of the final exam, the graduate is automatically enrolled in the Alumni Club, and then gains access to exclusive events, content, and offers from our partner companies.

Work Based Learning

The course includes practice-based learning, including assignments/exercises and individual projects.

Bilingual Certification

Upon successful completion of the final exam, the graduate is automatically enrolled in the Alumni Club, and then gains access to exclusive events, content, and offers from our partner companies.


5.0 Rate


Course overview
What is business analysis
Role and responsibilities of an IT Business Analyst
Overview of Agile
Overview of Waterfall
Discussion of product alternatives and final project selection
Practical assignment
Six core concepts model of business analysis
Classification of business analysis requirements
Analytical thinking and problem solving
Terms related to business analyst
Creating a User Persona
Practical assignment
Identifying and managing stakeholders
Defining and analyzing business requirements
Building UML / Flow Charts diagrams
Collecting and analyzing product requirements
Practical assignment
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
Activities: Product execution, change, optimization, measurement, and evaluation
Practical assignment

აარჩიე შენთვის სასურველი დრო


თორნიკე ზაალიშვილი

IT Business Analysis

თორნიკე ზაალიშვილი

IT Business Analysis

თორნიკე Long Island University-ის ინფორმაციული სისტემების მაგისტრია. მას ციფრული პროდუქტების შექმნის 12 წლიანი სამუშაო გამოცდილება აქვს. ამ ხნის განმავლობაში ის სხვადასხვა როლს ითავსებდა, ყველაზე დიდხანს კი სწორედ IT ბიზნეს ანალიტიკოსის პოზიციაზე. მისი პორტფოლიო შეიცავს პროექტებს, რომლებიც უკავშირდება ციფრული პროდუქტების შექმნა/განვითარებას, საინფორმაციო პლატფორმების შექმნას, ERP სისტემის დეველოპმენტს ისეთ კომპანიებთან, როგორიცაა World Bank (Project), საჯარო რეესტრის ეროვნული სააგენტო, Wendy’s, Long Island University, Terminal და ა.შ. თორნიკე ბოლო წლებში TBC-ის IT Business Analyst-ის პოზიციას იკავებდა, ამჟამად კი IT Product Owner-ია და ბანკის შიგნით უმნიშვნელოვანესი პროდუქტების შექმნა/განვითარებაზე მუშაობს.


ხშირად დასმული კითხვები კურსის შესახებ

A: An IT Business Analyst connects business needs with IT solutions. They are responsible for analyzing business processes, gathering requirements, and documentation. They serve as a bridge between the technical team and stakeholders. This career is particularly attractive for people who are interested in both business and technology and have good analytical thinking skills. Strong communication skills are important for a successful IT Business Analyst.
A: The IT Business Analyst profession is one of the most in-demand both in Georgia and globally. All large companies, especially banks and fintech organizations, constantly need these specialists. It's also important to note that this field has relatively less competition compared to other IT professions, and there is a deficit of qualified professionals in the market. The profession offers good career growth prospects, stable and growing compensation, as well as opportunities to work in international companies. The demand is likely to increase even further as companies increasingly transition to digital technologies.

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