ძველ ვერსიაზე გადასასვლელად დააჭირე აქ

Data-Driven Marketing

  • 5.0 შეფასება

  • 14 ლექცია

  • 42 საათი

  • 7 კვირა

In the digital space, every user behavior is data, and the ability to use it correctly is the main means of gaining an advantage over competitors, as it helps us make smart decisions based on facts rather than assumptions.

Unlike traditional marketing approaches, data-driven marketing helps you better understand your customers, study their behaviors, communicate with them in a relevant way, determine where and how to "meet" them based on their needs, and measure the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Throughout the course, we will go through data analytics, customer segmentation, attribution modeling, developing marketing action plans and budgets, evaluating strategies and tactics, and more in detail.

კურსის დასრულების შემდეგ შეგეძლება

დამატებითი უნარები: ROI, Meta, Google ads, Display 360.

  • Interpret data to draw correct conclusions;

  • Use data in developing marketing strategies and tactics;

  • Optimize budgets and conduct marketing processes more efficiently;

  • Personalize marketing communication and select effective communication channels;

  • Measure and optimize ROI of marketing campaigns;

  • Observe and analyze competitors;

  • Use various data processing tools for better visualization;

  • Effectively communicate and collaborate with analysts, developers, and other organizational teams to better achieve marketing goals.


გადაანაწილე გადასახადი
TBC განვადება
BOG განვადება

ვისთვის არის კურსი


The course is designed for marketers or people with education in marketing who have basic knowledge in digital marketing; for marketing consultants who want to expand their skills and offer data-driven marketing services to clients.

Marketing Executives

For marketing executives who want to use data to make better decisions and grow their business; also for founders or executive managers who want to grow their own business very quickly and efficiently using digital channels.

For Digital, Social Media, and Content Marketers

For digital, social media, and content marketers who want to optimize content and campaigns; for e-commerce managers for whom increasing sales through effective marketing is important.

პროგრამა მოიცავს

Alumni Club

After successfully completing the final exam, graduates will be automatically enrolled in the Alumni Club. This membership grants them access to exclusive events, content, and special offers from our partner companies

Work Based Learning

The course includes practice-based learning, including assignments/exercises and individual projects.

Bilingual Certification

Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a bilingual certificate.


5.0 Rate


What is data-driven marketing
Overview of advantages
The role of data in marketing
What is a data-driven marketing strategy?
Different types of data
Digital data sources and collection methods
CRM data
User research, collecting user feedback
Public and private/paid data sources
Data management and quality control
Data analysis tools
Data visualization and presentation
Market size, market size estimation
Competitor analysis – what metrics to pay attention to
Competition matrix
Analysis of competitors' marketing activities
Practical exercise
Importance of segmentation
Types and approaches of segmentation
Demographic, behavioral, value-based, LTV segmentation
Creating typical customer personas
Practical exercise
Overview of social media platforms and their capabilities
Community Management, Influencer Marketing
Communication with the audience – customer support team – primary source of information gathering
Social media monitoring, Social Listening
Content marketing overview
Content types, content matrix
Developing content marketing strategy
Content marketing plan, tactics
Content optimization by purpose, goals, and communication channels
Tools for content creation, management, analysis
Practical exercise

აარჩიე შენთვის სასურველი დრო


გიორგი ბერეჩიკიძე

Data Driven Marketing

გიორგი ბერეჩიკიძე

Data Driven Marketing

გიორგის 10 წლიანი გამოცდილება აქვს ციფრულ მარკეტინგში, ციფრულ ანალიტიკასა და ციფრული პროექტების მართვაში, ბოლო რამდენიმე წელი აღმასრულებელ პოზიციებზე. მას უმუშავია ციფრული პროდუქტების, ორგანიზაციული დიჯიტალიზაციის და ციფრული მარკეტინგის კონსულტანტად და ტრენერად სხვადასხვა საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციის პროექტებში, როგორიცაა UNDP BIOFIN, PMCG, EBRD, USAID Zrda activity in Georgia. 2021 წლიდან გიორგი შეუერთდა ქართული e-commerce სტარტაპის, VELI.store-ის გუნდს, როგორც ციფრული მარკეტინგის ხელმძღვანელი და აქტიურად არის ჩართული კომპანიის ზრდისთვის საჭირო უმნიშვნელოვანეს პროცესებში.


ხშირად დასმული კითხვები კურსის შესახებ

A: Want to make marketing decisions based on data rather than intuition? The Data-Driven Marketing course will teach you how to analyze consumer behavior, increase conversion rates, and achieve maximum ROI from your marketing activities. This is a future-proof profession where analytical thinking meets marketing strategies.
A: Imagine knowing exactly which marketing channel works best, how your target audience behaves, and how each campaign impacts sales. In the Data-Driven Marketing course, you'll learn how to use Google Analytics, plan A/B tests, and make decisions based on real data. These are skills that every company needs today.

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